*Under Construction


Exploration. Empowerment. Camaraderie.

Uptown Paddling, Inc, is a non-profit offering free kayaking to neighborhood youth groups, particularly those from Inwood, Washington Heights and the South Bronx.  The Inwood Canoe Club hosts our activities, providing equipment and volunteers, at their boathouse on the Hudson River, just off Dyckman Street.

We are a vibrant community of adventurous youth united by our passion for exploration, empowerment, and camaraderie.

We foster a supportive and inclusive environment, encouraging each member to embrace their unique strengths and develop valuable skills.

We inspire and empower young individuals through exciting outdoor experiences, fostering a sense of community, and promoting environmental awareness.





Paddle with Purpose.

Contributions directly impact our ability to provide essential equipment, such as canoes, kayaks, safety gear, and training resources that enable our members to engage in safe and enriching experiences. Additionally, donations help us offer scholarships and financial assistance, making it possible for underprivileged youth to participate in our programs and enjoy the transformative benefits of outdoor exploration.

By donating, you directly contribute to creating opportunities for young individuals to develop valuable skills, build self-confidence, and foster a lifelong love for adventure and environmental stewardship.

Thank You for Being a Part of Our Journey!

We are immensely grateful to all our visitors for their interest and support, as it enables us to inspire and empower youth. Your involvement directly impacts the lives of young individuals, fostering personal growth, resilience, and a passion for adventure and environmental stewardship.

If you haven’t joined yet, we encourage you to be a part of our community. Everyone is welcomeD.

Uptown Paddling is supported by financial and in-kind grants from:

NYC Council Discretionary Funds,
Hon. Carmen De La Rosa

Heart and Soul Charitable Fund

Inwood Canoe Club

Koda Brands

Uptown Paddling is grateful for support from:


All events take place at the

Inwood Canoe Club,
360 Dyckman Street.

Take Dyckman Street West toward the Hudson River. Just before the gates marking the entrance to the Park and The Hudson Restaurant, turn left and follow the bike path until you see the Inwood Canoe Club banner and the rose-colored building.